Friday, November 03, 2006


I've rec'd an email fm a lady call Angelina L H T that wish to know me, a very warm welcome.......she got my email address thru this blog, but message seems "penetrate in" just after my 1st reply..... jump straight in to "personal" feeling, maybe u start guessing what's it means, YES you're correct......surprised right. Not because I'm handsome(she never even smell) & eagerly request for contact no. & asking about "personal" related *things.
(*U may request fm me if interested to find out more -- by comment or email)
Not that I've not seen, but indeed its my first encounter fm the net. Well, believe or not, a good friend is really difficult to get in these days.....but "such" a friend will pop up automatically.
I hope I've wrong view of her as this is also my first round on raising unpleasant comments to a girl.

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