Monday, October 27, 2008

Budget Cuts 消减预算


This will be your NEW CUBICLE !?

如果有那么一天 。。。 Sav......Save..........Saved !!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

♥Happy Birthday To My Blog♥

部落格, 生日快乐!!

Time Flies & its already 2 year old, not me but my Blog........Happy Birthday to My Blög!!!

Thank you to All my blog Buddies & Friends that know me or may not for your's support & sharing.

Especially the warmth & love received fm Irene + Kaypo Club Members.

Life will be brighten only with YOU'LL around..........!!!

Happy Birthday to My Blog

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Painted Flöõr

Imagine you are at a party........

Tenth floor of a Hi-Rise building........

And then you have to visit the Bathhroom........

You öpen the door........

Kind of taking your Breath away........

Click To Enlarge

Would this mess up your mind? Would you dare to walk into this bathroom??