Sunday, September 28, 2008

Toyota "Alphard" 2009

又是大开眼界的时候了............ 这一款的Toyota家庭式豪华房车,相信爱车的人一定另眼相看吧,说道其豪华程度呢,那就由你自己来衡量啰。

Friday, September 12, 2008

糕点大丰收...赞!!! «7» 之"中秋节08"


还有不能不感激的一位在幕后,风雨不改和老远提供递送的Oink².......Thank You Very Much.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Click to Enlarge新娘车你可见多了,但是像这类的呢?应该没见过了吧,够晒酷咧。

Click to Enlarge还有攀爬式迎娶新娘的新玩艺儿呢?也未曾有过咧,超酷咯。


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Chicago McDonald's Billboard

Click on Picture to EnlargeThe Giant Egg billboard starts cracking and opening up in the wee hours of morning. By breakfast time, the egg has already hatched and you can see 'Fresh Eggs Daily' written on the egg's yolk.
The egg stays open from 6:00AM till 10:30AM, to indicate the availability of fresh eggs during that time. Once the breakfast time is up, the egg billboard shuts and stays closed as a whole egg & re-opens in the next morning.